The Pretty Smart Campaign™ showing the world the there is beauty in intelligence!
Meet Entertainment Attorney Evita Kaigler, she's Pretty Smart™!
Below is an interview that was done on our partner website
Have you ever met someone (virtually or in person) and within just a few moments, instantly got inspired or empowered? Well, I have and that is exactly what happened to me when I met (virtually) Entertainment Attorney Evita Kaigler. Evita is a combination of beauty, wisdom, and drive. Whenever I meet someone who intrigues me the way Ms. Kaigler does, I am always thirsty to know what it is about the person that makes them so dag on fabulous and what it is about the person that makes their liight shine so bright that you can not help but be attracted to it. Read Evita's recent interview with "The Fabulous Do Gooder" and become inspired....